The Realignment

395 | David Lipsky: Climate Change, the Culture Wars, and the Path to Denial

Episode Summary

David Lipsky, author of The Parrot and the Igloo: Climate and the Science of Denial, joins The Realignment. David and Marshall discuss how climate change evolved from a policy oriented scientific issue to casualty of the culture wars, the contrasting Biden-Obama approaches to the issue, climate policy roads not taken over the past 70 years ,the line between science denial and legitimate policy debate, the American political system's ability to "solve" climate change in the first place, and revisit Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point, David's chronicle of the USMA during the 9/11 era.

Episode Notes

David Lipsky, author of The Parrot and the Igloo: Climate and the Science of Denial, joins The Realignment. David and Marshall discuss how climate change evolved from a policy oriented scientific issue to casualty of the culture wars, climate policy roads not taken over the past 70 years, the line between science denial and legitimate policy debate, the American political system's ability to "solve" climate change in the first place, and revisit Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point, David's chronicle of the USMA during the 9/11 era.

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