The Realignment

499 | Geoffrey Kabaservice: The Rise of Neopopulism, a New Centrism, the Abundance Agenda, and the Next Era of American Politics

Episode Summary

Geoffrey Kabaservice, Niskanen's VP of Political Studies and author of Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, joins The Realignment. Geoffrey and Marshall discuss the rise of "neopopulism" and "a new centrism" in Washington, the evolution of the Republican Party since the Obama era, the case for a pragmatic approach to governance, the pros and cons of "moderation," and how the abundance agenda can learn from previous failed reform movements.

Episode Notes

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NYT on the emerging neopopulist consensus: A New Centrism Is Rising in Washington

Niskanen: Geoff on the Rise of a New Pragmatism

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Geoffrey Kabaservice, Niskanen's VP of Political Studies and author of Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, joins The Realignment. Geoffrey and Marshall discuss the rise of "neopopulism" and "a new centrism" in Washington, the evolution of the Republican Party since the Obama era, the case for a pragmatic approach to governance, the pros and cons of "moderation," and how the abundance agenda can learn from previous failed reform movements.